Dear Woosy – My husband likes porn

Dear Woosy,

My husband accesses porn sites when I am not in the house. I haven’t told him I know about it, as I’m sure he would be angry that I was ‘spying’ on him. He always deletes the sites he accesses from the history section, but doesn’t realise that there are other ways of seeing what he’s been downloading.

Whenever he gets in before me he usually lies about the time he’s got home and when I check, he’s been on these sites. It is difficult to sit down to dinner with a man who only an hour earlier has been searching We had toad in the hole yesterday evening and I caught him looking at me in a very strange way every time I put the sausage near my mouth. It put me right off and I ended up doing myself some cheese on toast.

I’d just like to know if this is something that all men do. Because he’s not often in the house on his own, he’s not able to do it on a very regular basis, but I still hate the fact that he does. I feel I’ve lost respect for him and it’s spoiling our relationship. I’m probably feeling jealous that he’s looking at much younger women. I’m in my mid 50s and recently lost a leg in an industrial accident, but I have generally kept myself slim and take care with my appearance. However all the women he looks at appear to have two legs. It is all very upsetting. Please help, I am in despair.

Woosy says – First of all I would like to congratulate you on your bravery. To lose a leg and be faced with a husband that is so obviously sexually aroused by bipeds must be very difficult. If he is indeed downloading hard core pornography the insensitivity he has shown is inexcusable.

My advice to you is talk to your husband about your concerns. You obviously cannot live in an environment where even the eating of a sausage is a source of tension.


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