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Dear Woosy – My girfriend was a prostitute

Dear Woosy,

For four months, I have been dating this girl, and everything is going really well. Our meeting took place when I was driving around at night. I stopped the car, she entered, and we returned to my place where she moved in immediately. I felt immense pride, considering she is a very popular girl who constantly attracts a stream of gentleman callers. She is genuinely nice, and I love her deeply. Last night, she asked to speak with me and revealed that she had a dark secret to confess — she had previously worked as a prostitute. I reassured her that it was all behind her and that I would stand by her side. She thanked me but noted that I owed her £3,000. Is that reasonable? It seems a bit excessive.

Woosy says – Although it might appear steep, you must consider the money you’re saving on petrol and the fact that you don’t need to take her out for dinners. Additionally, given that you possess a face that might make a donkey sick, all in all, it seems you’re getting a solid deal. Nevertheless, after receiving your letter, I reached out to Tracey on your behalf. She agreed that if you block book and pay upfront, she will offer you a 10% discount on the next four months.


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