Dear Woosy,
Being nearly flat-chested has become a huge issue for me. The shame I feel about my body prevents me from engaging in activities that require a communal changing space, such as swimming or sports. The sight of everyone removing their tops while I’m surrounded by ample, swinging breasts makes me feel terrible, especially when I consider my own physique—like a pair of frying eggs. It has gotten to the point where I’ve had to stop playing football. Is this related to age, perhaps? It seems my friends have all blossomed over the past few years. Do you think there’s a chance mine will start to grow soon? I’m 42. My wife claims I have no reason to be concerned and that I look fine, yet I yearn to feel like one of the guys again.
Woosy says – I totally get where you’re coming from. Men with substantial breasts certainly tend to be more appealing compared to those with smaller ones. If you’ve seen recent pictures of Jack Nicholson, you might agree—he hasn’t looked better, in my opinion, and many of my girlfriends share this view. What a fantastic pair he has! Many men believe they will naturally develop large breasts, but that isn’t the case. It usually takes some effort. Consider increasing your intake of tap water, as it’s filled with female hormones nowadays. You might also try massaging them daily with lager. If those options don’t yield results, dressing up like your wife and visiting your GP to get on the pill could be worth a shot. That should help.