Dear Lily,
At work, I have a female colleague who is truly making my life unbearable. She’s extremely ambitious and competitive, constantly trying to outdo everything I do, particularly when my boss is present. Although I’ve been attempting to overlook her relentless attempts at one-upmanship for some time, I’m nearing my limit. If she comments on how her lunch appears more appetizing than mine one more time, I might just staple her eyelids to the desk, ignite her hair, and force a filing cabinet upon her. Could you suggest a last resort before I resort to violence?
Lily says – Trust me, it’s crucial that you put this aspiring alpha-female in her place before she escalates into a genuine menace to you. I found myself caught in a drawing contest with my nemesis Amanda Sullivan right before Christmas last year when she boldly declared in front of the entire class that she would create a nativity scene better than mine, claiming that I couldn’t color inside the lines (which is totally untrue). Things looked very uncertain when she presented a Joseph that was reminiscent of a young Bruce Springsteen. However, it quickly became apparent that I was the superior competitor once I utilized my new silver and gold glitter pens to create the illusion of moonlight shimmering on baby Jesus’s face. Sensing imminent defeat, Amanda Sullivan nearly lost her composure when, armed simply with an HB pencil and a sheet of baking proof-paper, I superimposed Cheryl Cole’s face onto the angel Gabriel.
So, when your colleague confronts you next, rather than brushing her off, you need to rise to the challenge and ensure you utterly demolish her – who knows, you might even earn a gold star like I did!
Hope that assists!