Dear Lily,
Ever since my first child was born, I’ve been grappling with a deeply personal and somewhat humiliating issue, and I feel too embarrassed to consult a doctor. Prior to pregnancy, I had a vague understanding that having a baby might bring physical changes, but it turns out that giving birth has left my private parts in quite a state. I used to take pride in my daring collection of split-crotch panties, but now I often find myself awkwardly navigating the feminine hygiene aisle at Woolworths, equipped with a large, soaked pad awkwardly placed.
What I truly desire is a return to how things were before childbirth. Please assist me.
Lily says – During one assembly, Mrs. Gregory recounted a Bible tale about the Prodigal Son, attempting to impart the lesson that one could act mischievously without facing any consequences from their parents. Suddenly, a commotion erupted among the children at the front, and I noticed a significant puddle of yellow urine stemming from Oliver French. This incident rewarded us with extra playtime outside instead of enduring more questionable guidance from Mrs. Gregory, and Oliver was escorted to the welfare office.
It seems you might be experiencing something akin to Oliver French’s predicament, so it’s essential to overcome your embarrassment and seek medical advice at your earliest convenience. If not, you could find yourself donning someone else’s lost pants and sitting alone on the naughty bench until your mother arrives to collect you.
I hope this is helpful!